Weekly Papers on Quantum Foundations (42)

This is a list of this week’s papers on quantum foundations published in various journals or uploaded to preprint servers such as arxiv.org and PhilSci Archive.

arXiv:1610.00671 [quant-ph]

Dynamical collapse for photons

Philip Pearle

I suggest a simple alteration of my CSL (Continuous Spontaneous Localization) theory, replacing the mass density collapse-generating operators by relativistic energy density operators. Some consequences of the density matrix evolution equation are explored. First, the expression for the mean energy increase of free particles is calculated (which, in the non-relativistic limit, agrees with the usual result). Then, the density matrix evolution is applied to photons. The mean rate of loss of photon number from a laser beam pulse, the momentum distribution of the photons “excited” out of the laser beam pulse, and the alteration of the cosmic blackbody spectrum are all treated to first order in the collapse rate parameter λ. Associated possible experimental limits on λ are discussed.

Comments: This paper shall be part of the anthology “Collapse of the Wave Function” edited by Gao Shan, to be published by Cambridge University Press

Observables, Disassembled

Philsci-Archive: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.

on 2016-10-14 5:03pm GMT

Roberts, Bryan W. (2016) Observables, Disassembled. [Preprint]

An Introduction to Non-Perturbative Foundations of Quantum Field Theory


on 2016-10-11 12:00am GMT

Author: Franco Strocchi
ISBN: 9780198789239
Binding: Paperback
Publication Date: 11 October 2016
Price: $59.95


Colloquium: Protecting quantum information against environmental noise

Recent Articles in Rev. Mod. Phys.

on 2016-10-10 2:00pm GMT

Author(s): Dieter Suter and Gonzalo A. Álvarez

Quantum-mechanical systems retain their properties so long as the phase of quantum superpositions evolve stably over time. Contact with an environment can disrupt this phase evolution. But for environments that do not exchange energy with the quantum system, strategies exist where the controlled driving of the system can recover or maintain the quantum phase. This Colloquium surveys the host of techniques that are available to “refocus” the phase when disturbed by various forms of classical or quantum environment. While the first such techniques were developed long ago, ideas from quantum information theory have introduced new strategies for accomplishing this goal.

[Rev. Mod. Phys. 88, 041001] Published Mon Oct 10, 2016

How does interference fall?. (arXiv:1610.02141v1 [quant-ph])

gr-qc updates on arXiv.org

on 2016-10-10 2:32am GMT

Authors: Patrick J. OrlandoFelix A. PollockKavan Modi

We study how single- and double-slit interference patterns fall in the presence of gravity. First, we demonstrate that universality of free fall still holds in this case, i.e., interference patterns fall just like classical objects. Next, we explore lowest order relativistic effects in the Newtonian regime by employing a recent quantum formalism which treats mass as an operator. This leads to interactions between non-degenerate internal degrees of freedom (like spin in an external magnetic field) and external degrees of freedom (like position). Based on these effects, we present an unusual phenomenon, in which a falling double slit interference pattern periodically decoheres and recoheres. The oscillations in the visibility of this interference occur due to correlations built up between spin and position. Finally, we connect the interference visibility revivals with non-Markovian quantum dynamics.


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