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Weekly Papers on Quantum Foundations (32)

Gravitational redshift revisited: inertia, geometry, and charge   from  philsci Sat Aug 05 2023 00:58:16 (8 hours) # 1. Fankhauser, Johannes and Read, James (2023) Gravitational redshift revisited: inertia, geometry, and charge. [Preprint]   Send To > Keep unreadDelete Eternal inflation and collapse theories. (arXiv:2308.01383v1 [gr-qc])   from  gr-qc  by  R.L. Lechuga, D. Sudarsky, Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de… Read more →

Weekly Papers on Quantum Foundations (24)

Collapse Dynamics Are Diffusive   from  PRL: General Physics: Statistical and Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Information, etc.  by  Sandro Donadi, Luca Ferialdi, and Angelo Bassi Fri Jun 09 2023 18:00:00 (15 hours) # 1. Author(s): Sandro Donadi, Luca Ferialdi, and Angelo Bassi Noninterferometric experiments have been successfully employed to constrain models of spontaneous wave function collapse, which predict a violation of… Read more →

Weekly Papers on Quantum Foundations (18)

The cosmological frame principle and cosmic acceleration. (arXiv:2304.12733v1 [gr-qc])   from  gr-qc updates on arXiv.org  by  Spiros Cotsakis, Jose P. Mimoso, John Miritzis Wed Apr 26 2023 08:57:12 (2 days) # 7. We discuss cosmological implications of the frame principle which states that physics is independent of frames. We show that there are frame-independent solutions that are globally stable, suggesting… Read more →

A simple proof that the global phase is real

It is a standard view in quantum mechanics that two wave functions that differ only in the global phase represent the same physical state. In this paper, I argue that this standard view is wrong and the global phase is real in psi-ontic theories such as the de Broglie Bohm theory, the many-worlds interpretation and collapse theories of quantum mechanics.

Weekly Papers on Quantum Foundations (36)

Gravitational redshift induces quantum interference. (arXiv:2109.00728v1 [quant-ph]) 上午10:13 | David Edward Bruschi, Andreas W. Schell | quant-ph updates on arXiv.org We use quantum field theory in curved spacetime to show that gravitational redshift induces a unitary transformation on the quantum state of propagating photons. This occurs for realistic photons characterized by a finite bandwidth, while ideal photons with sharp frequencies… Read more →

Weekly Papers on Quantum Foundations (23)

Testing Bell inequalities in Higgs boson decays. (arXiv:2106.01377v1 [hep-ph]) 下午5:25 | Alan Barr | quant-ph updates on arXiv.org Higgs boson decays produce pairs of W bosons in a maximally entangled state, the spins of which can be expected to violate Bell inequalities. We show that the spin density matrix of the $W^\pm$ pair may be reconstructed experimentally from the directions… Read more →

Lapsing Quickly into Fatalism: Bell on Backward Causation

Travis Norsen, Huw Price This is a dialogue between Huw Price and Travis Norsen, loosely inspired by a letter that Price received from J. S. Bell in 1988. The main topic of discussion is Bell’s views about retrocausal approaches to quantum theory, and their relevance to contemporary issues. Full text

Realism and Causality II: Retrocausality in Energetic Causal Sets

Eliahu Cohen, Marina Cortês, Avshalom C. Elitzur, Lee Smolin (Submitted on 13 Feb 2019 (v1), last revised 19 Mar 2019 (this version, v2)) https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.05082v2 We describe a new form of retrocausality, which is found in the behaviour of a class of causal set theories, called energetic causal sets (ECS). These are discrete sets of events, connected by causal relations. They have three orders:… Read more →

Realism and causality I: Pilot wave and retrocausal models as possible facilitators

Eliahu Cohen, Marina Cortês, Avshalom C. Elitzur, Lee Smolin (Submitted on 13 Feb 2019 (v1), last revised 19 Mar 2019 (this version, v2)) https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.05108v2 Of all basic principles of classical physics, realism should arguably be the last to be given up when seeking a better interpretation of quantum mechanics. We examine the de Broglie-Bohm pilot wave theory as a well developed example of… Read more →

Monthly Papers on Philosophy of Mind (4)

↑   News: Registered reports for Consciousness and Cognition consciousness [x] add tag Consciousness and Cognition on 2018-5-03 11:00pm Consciousness and Cognition is pleased to support publication of articles as Registered Reports.  bookmark  blog it  not shared ↑   The controversial correlates of consciousness consciousness [x] add tag Science current issue on 2018-5-03 5:39pm  bookmark  blog it  not shared ↑   The central executive system consciousness [x] add tag Latest Results for Synthese… Read more →

Realistic interpretation of quantum mechanics and encounter-delayed-choice experiment

GuiLu Long et al (Tsinghua University) In this paper, a realistic interpretation (REIN) of the wave function in quantum mechanics is briefly presented. We demonstrate that in the REIN, the wave function of a microscopic object is its real existence rather than a mere mathematical description. Specifically, the quantum object can exist in disjointed regions of space just as the… Read more →